Fun Garden Club Adventures
These are optional fun activities!
Contact Linda Thompson (314-740-9646 or for complete details, including costs. Dates/times/locations are subject to change.
March 2, 10 am. The Butterfly House, 15050 Faust Park, Chesterfield and lunch at Mimi's Café. Meet at Salvation Army Garden of Hope at 9:30 to car pool.
May 18, 10 am- 3 pm, Plant America Garden Expo. Weldon Spring Site Interpretive Center.
Set up 8 am
June 22- noon. Flower Pounding/ Card Making. At Linda T's home. Bring colorful flowers, leaves and a hammer.
July 25 - noon. Sunflower Hill and Farm and lunch. 245 Terry Rd, Augusta.
August 10, 14 or 23, 1 pm. Choose from one of these dates. Cement Leaf or Pumpkin Pot Hypertufa.
Barb S.'s back porch. Wear old clothes. Activity fee TBD.
September 24, 10 am. 15th Annual Garlic Festival and lunch.
November 2, noon -4 pm. Sew a Garden Themed Pillow Case at McClay Library. Bring a portable sewing machine..